How about advice on witnessing? I JUST met this girl who lives near me and we're already becoming inseperable. If you noticed, I even made her come to church with me today. :D (Daylight savings always kills me though) :( By the way, that picture of you truly frightens me. :)
How about a great lesson you've learned in your manymanymany years. JK, but seriously. :)
p.s. Thanks for commenting... I wasn't sure I would ever get another one of those
Alright, I'll have to think about that a tad to see if any are a) relevant enough to share, and b) not too embarrassing to share. Anyone else?
How about advice on witnessing? I JUST met this girl who lives near me and we're already becoming inseperable. If you noticed, I even made her come to church with me today. :D (Daylight savings always kills me though) :( By the way, that picture of you truly frightens me. :)
Cheri, I like your question. Hold on, I will work on it in the coming weeks. I already ran with Amanda's idea, for now.
Glad to know that an image of me scares young people. Thanks. ;-)
Yay!'re welcome. :D
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